Saturday, May 23, 2009


The night was quiet as every single person slept already in their beds. Not a single being disturbed the silence of the tranquil night. In the sky, there were so many shining stars. What a peaceful night it was. However, there was this person living in a huge mansion, who was having the same strange dreams for the past 3 months right after his 16th birthday last March. His name was Alexander Steven Lockhart. It wasn't a horrifying dream, it was just that there was this familiar voice...

Alex was in a very beautiful garden full of roses illuminated with the shining, silver full moon. "Alex..." a serene female voice called out to him. He glanced around him in the vast garden but he couldn't find the woman who called him. There was no doubt about it, he was completely alone.

He thought of himself being delusional as the woman called out again, "Alexander..." He was puzzled at the woman's voice for it seemed like he knew her, but, at the same time, she was a stranger to him.
"Who are you?" asked Alex finally, his own voice echoing in the garden. But there was only complete silence as his resonating voice passed. It took a whole minute before he told himself that he was just hearing things. Then, suddenly, a woman appeared in front of him. She was exquisitely beautiful with a long, curvy, blonde hair. She wore a silver long nightgown glimmering with the moon's light but she was facing her back to him so he couldn't see her face.

The woman said, "Alex, take care of your father and sister. Protect them by all means, especially, your sister." She faced Alex abruptly that he was dazed by her utter beauty. Dazed as he was, the woman still continued to move towards him and pulled out a golden pendant star. It was shining beautifully in her hands. "Take this pendant, it is our family heirloom. It will someday be of use to you. There will be someone who will help you with this. Be careful, my son. In time, you will know what all these mean," she finished saying as she handed the pendant to him.

It happened all too fast for Alex that he didn't have time to say anything. He was dazzled and stunned as to what has transpired. Nevertheless, he tried to understand what the woman has said. He gazed at the pendant and the phrase 'my son' kept echoing inside his head. As he stared at the pendant, pieces of his childhood memories flashed back at him. He then remembered the same woman he saw and realized that she was his mother. The mother that supposedly disappeared a long time ago. He jerked his head up but was too late as his mother vanished into thin air.